Honey Brook Presbyterian Church

We believe that God, through Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, calls us to seek first the realm of God, and to witness to Jesus Christ and his vision of God’s realm, by pursuing the following vision and mission in our region. It was adopted by Session October 8, 2023, after conferring with our congregation amid planning processes:

VISION – A Honey Brook community where all children thrive.

MISSION - To provide community outreach where every child’s basic needs are fulfilled - shelter, poverty, safety, etc.

Join us for Worship!

Sundays at 10:30


We are in the process of searching for a full time pastor. Please see the documents below for more information about the position.

Position Description Ministry Discernment Profile Additional Information

Traffic Flow Update

When you drive in, please enter the Church Parking Lot from the rear entrance off of Walnut Street. 

From now on, we will exit the church parking lot onto route 322 (Horseshoe Pike), and only right hand turns will be allowed on any day of the week.

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